The Revival Ministry School is an effective way to equip the believer in the Word of God and for ministry

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A Ministry of Vincent and Lisa Skinner
It's wonderful that you desire to grow in the knowledge of the Word of God. These courses aim to provide an understanding of God's Word, and to edify and strengthen your faith. The Revival Ministry School is an effective way to establish and empower the believer in the foundations of faith, and ready to be a witness to others.

The Program: 

    - FREE to join and take the School or
    - Make a donation to the Ministry and Choose How Much to Pay.
    NOTE: All funds received goes towards the preaching of the Gospel.

  • - (Cancel any time you want)

    ~ There is an English and German Revival Ministry School included ~

Courses in this Program:

Lessons in Biblical Leadership:

  1. 1 Introduction / START HERE

    Objective: Introduction / START HERE

  2. 2 What is Church

    Objective: The Essence of the Local Church

  3. 3 The Role of the Five Fold Ministry / Ephesians 4

    Objective: The Role of the Fivefold Ministry

  4. 4 Jesus Our Example - Servant Leader

    Objective: Servant Leadership

  5. 5 Greatness is Serving

    Objective: Greatness is Serving

  6. 6 A Good Leader

    Objective: Signs of a A Good Leader

  7. 7 Boundaries and Guidelines of Leadership

    Objective: The Voice of the Pastor

  8. 8 Things Leaders can Impart

    Objective: Vision Casting and Impartation

  9. 9 Team Building

    Objective: The Dynamics and Strengths of Teamwork

  10. 10 Issues of the Heart

    Objective: Identifying and Addressing Common Pitfalls

  11. 11 How to Handle Conflict

    Objective: Handling Conflict with Wisdom

  12. 12 The Pastor / Elders Called to Govern

    Objective: Understanding the Role of Pastors

  13. 13 Deacons / Called to Serve

    Objective: Called to Serve

  14. 14 The Jerusalem Church

    Objective: Governance in the Early Church of Jerusalem

  15. 15 The Antioch Church

    Objective: Jerusalem vs. Antioch

  16. 16 Church Governance Models

    Objective: Church Governance Models and Their Impact

  17. 17 The Corporate Church

    Objective: A Warning Against Toxic Leadership

  18. 18 INTERVIEW: Corporate Church VS Servant Leader Model

    Objective: The Dangers of the Corporate Church Model / Vincent Skinner & Ps.Koni Oberle

  19. 19 Toxic Church / Leadership Culture

    Objective: Identifying and Addressing Toxic Leadership in Churches

  20. 20 Identifying Toxic Leadership

    Objective: Characteristics of Toxic Leaders

  21. 21 How Can Unhealthy Leaders Still Be Used By God ?

    Objective: Character vs. Anointing

  22. 22 Concluding Insights

    Objective: Concluding Insights

Lessons in Divine Healing:

  1. 1 Why is Divine Healing Necessary

  2. 2 God's Way To Healing

  3. 3 Healing in the Atonement

  4. 4 Disease & Sickness is Never God’s Will

  5. 5 The Sin Issue

  6. 6 The Spirit of Infirmity

  7. 7 Unhealthy Living

  8. 8 The Word of Faith

  9. 9 Healing in His Presence & the Word of Knowledge

  10. 10 The Prayer of Faith

  11. 11 The Authority of the Believer

  12. 12 Your Faith in Action

  13. 13 Keeping Your Healing

  14. 14 Healing Scriptures

  15. 15 Prayer for Healing

Lessons in The Anointing:

  1. 1 Jesus Our Example

  2. 2 The Presence of God

  3. 3 The Anointing is NOW!

  4. 4 Point of Contact

  5. 5 Flowing in the Anointing

  6. 6 The Gifts of the Holy Spirit

  7. 7 Impartation

  8. 8 Exousia & Dunamis Power

  9. 9 Making Room for the Anointing

  10. 10 Teaching on the Anointing (Message recorded in Sydney, Australia)

Lessons in Deliverance: Pathway to Freedom:

  1. 1 Jesus & the Jewish Exorcists (Luke 11: 14-19)

  2. 2 The Finger of God & the Strong Man (Luke 11: 20-22)

  3. 3 A House Swept Clean (Luke 11: 23-26)

  4. 4 How to Stay Free - 3 Things Jesus Emphasizes (Luke 11: 27-32)

  5. 5 Renewing the Mind - The Lamp, the Eye & Light (Luke 11: 33-36)

  6. 6 The Sin Issue

  7. 7 Depression & Oppression

  8. 8 Triune Salvation (Spirit, Soul & Body)

  9. 9 How to Know If You Are Not Free

  10. 10 The Enemy's Strategy

  11. 11 How Does Bondage Come

  12. 12 Keys To Freedom

  13. 13 Give No Place

  14. 14 The New Covenant

  15. 15 Freedom From Fear

  16. 16 Prayer For Freedom

Lessons in Essential Doctrines:

  1. 1 Doctrine of Scripture

  2. 2 Doctrine of God

  3. 3 Doctrine of Man

  4. 4 Doctrine of Sin

  5. 5 Doctrine of Angels and Demons

  6. 6 Doctrine of Salvation

Lessons in Healing / Heilung:

  1. 1 Heilung / Divine Healing

  2. 2 Jesus ist der Weg / Jesus is the way

  3. 3 Ursachen / Causes

  4. 4 Weg zur Freiheit / Path to freedom

  5. 5 Gib dem Feind keinen Fußfass. / Don't give the enemy a foothold

  6. 6 Wie man seine Heilung empfängt / How to receive your healing

  7. 7 Heilungsdeklarationen / Healing declarations

  8. 8 Wunder und Heilungen erklärt / Miracles and Healings explained

Lessons in Eschatology:

  1. 1 Overview of the End Times

  2. 2 Matthew 24

  3. 3 The Apostasy

  4. 4 The Rapture

  5. 5 The 70 weeks of Daniel

  6. 6 Heavens Throne Room

  7. 7 The 7 Seals

  8. 8 The 7 Trumpets

  9. 9 Living Ready

    Objective: Living Ready

  10. 10 Revelations 13

    Objective: The Rise and Role of the Antichrist and the False Prophet

  11. 11 Revelation 14 & 15

    Objective: 144,000 redeemed, the proclamations of three angels, eternal judgment, the two harvests, and the setup for the coming bowl judgments.

  12. 12 Revelation 16

    Objective: Seven bowls of God's wrath

  13. 13 Revelation 17 & 18

    Objective: The fall of Babylon

  14. 14 Revelation 19 - 22

    Objective: Babylon Falls, The Second Coming of Christ

Lessons in The Prophetic:

  1. 1 The 3 Levels Of Prophecy

  2. 2 The Ministry of The Prophet

  3. 3 Discerment of Spirits

  4. 4 False Prophets

  5. 5 How to Judge Prophetic Words

  6. 6 The Development of the Prophetic Office

  7. 7 Dreams

  8. 8 Angels

  9. 9 As in the Days of Noah

  10. 10 Mark 13 Verse 20

  11. 11 Psalm 2

Lessons in Eschatologie:

  1. 1 Überblick über die Endzeitprophetie

  2. 2 die sieben Gemeinden

  3. 3 Die Entrückung

  4. 4 der Glaubensabfall im Christentum

  5. 5 die 70-Wochen-Prophetie Daniels

  6. 6 Siegel und Posaunen

  7. 7 Die zwei Zeugen und das Ende Babylons

  8. 8 die Ende

Lessons in Lehre über das Prophetische:

  1. 1 Drei Ebenen des Prophetischen

  2. 2 Dienst des Propheten

  3. 3 Unterscheidung der Geister

  4. 4 Falsche Propheten und Prophetie

  5. 5 Wie prüft man ein prophetisches Wort

  6. 6 Träume

  7. 7 Dringende Botschaft 13 Juli 2022 Titanic

Lessons in Praise and Worship:

  1. 1 The Birth of Praise

  2. 2 The History of Worship

  3. 3 Worshipping the Lord in the Midst of the Battle


Lessons in Lob und Anbetung:

  1. 1 Die Geburt der Anbetung

  2. 2 Lehre über Anbetung

Lessons in Gebet:

  1. 1 Wenn du betest...

    Objective: Kommunikation mit Gott

  2. 2 Warten bis...

    Objective: Warten auf das Versprochene

  3. 3 Wenn Freunde beten...

    Objective: Einführung in die Kraft des Gebets

  4. 4 Wachet und Betet

    Objective: Wachsamkeit und Gebet

Lessons in Walking in the Favor of God:

  1. 1 Why Do We Give As Christians

    Objective: Why giving is good!

  2. 2 The Curse is Broken

    Objective: The Curse is Broken

  3. 3 God Provides

    Objective: God Provides

  4. 4 Understanding Matthew 6

    Objective: Understanding Matthew 6

  5. 5 The Kingdom of God Principle

    Objective: The Kingdom of God Principle

  6. 6 Abraham Our Example

    Objective: Lessons from the Life of Abraham

  7. 7 Provision by The Word Of The Lord

    Objective: The Power of Provision Through the Word of the Lord

  8. 8 Provision Testimonies

    Objective: Provision Testimonies

Lessons in Prayer:

  1. 1 Restored Fellowship

    Objective: Restored Fellowship

  2. 2 John 14: 1-18

    Objective: The Revelation of Jesus and the Father

  3. 3 Ask, Seek and Knock

    Objective: Keys to Prayer: Asking, Seeking, and Knocking

  4. 4 Praying Through / John 6 15-21

    Objective: Praying Through / John 6 15-21

  5. 5 Praying During Difficult Times

    Objective: Praying During Difficult Times

  6. 6 God Confirms His word

    Objective: Understanding the Power of God's Word in Prayer

  7. 7 John 15. Abiding in Him

    Objective: The Core of Effective Prayer: Aligning with God's Will and Abiding in His Word

  8. 8 The Throne of God

    Objective: The Throne of God

  9. 9 Prayer for Boldness

    Objective: Prayer for Boldness

  10. 10 The Pauline Prayers

    Objective: Exploring the  Pauline Prayers in Ephesians and Colossians

  11. 11 Giving God what He Wants

    Objective: A powerful Principle of Prayer: Loving God

  12. 12 What Prayer is NOT!

    Objective: Identifying and Avoiding Ungodly Practices in Prayer

Lessons in Die Frucht des Geistes :

  1. 1 Die Frucht der Sanftmut

    Objective: Embracing Gentleness and Humility

  2. 2 Erfülltes Leben durch Wandel im Geist und Selbstkontrolle

    Objective: Erfülltes Leben durch Wandel im Geist und Selbstkontrolle

Lessons in Missionsarbeit:

  1. 1 Understanding the Gospel / Das Evangelium verstehen

    Objective: Das Evangelium verstehen / Understanding the Gospel

  2. 2 Resurrection and Ascension of Jesus / Auferstehung und Himmelfahrt Jesu

    Objective: Resurrection and Ascension of Jesus / Auferstehung und Himmelfahrt Jesu

  3. 3 The Great Commission / der Große Missionsbefehl

    Objective: The Great Commission / der Große Missionsbefehl

  4. 4 The Power of the Gospel / Die Kraft des Evangeliums

    Objective: Die Kraft des Evangeliums

  5. 5 Message of the Gospel / Evangelisation und die Botschaft des Evangeliums

    Objective: Evangelisation und die Botschaft des Evangeliums

  6. 6 Three types of Evangelism / Drei Arten der Evangelisation

    Objective: Three types of Evangelism / Drei Arten der Evangelisation

  7. 7 Operation Andrew

    Objective: Operation Andrew

  8. 8 Testiminies / Zeugnisse

    Objective: Testiminies / Zeugnisse

Lessons in Autorität:

  1. 1 Die Wahrheit und Autorität des Heiligen Geistes

    Objective: Die Wahrheit und Autorität des Heiligen Geistes

  2. 2 Die Bedeutung der Autorität im Christentum

    Objective: Die Bedeutung der Autorität im Christentum

  3. 3 Wahrhaftige Propheten und falsche Autoritäten

About Vincent Skinner

Dr. Vincent Skinner (DMin) has taken the message of the Gospel of Jesus Christ to over 40 nations since 1990. His encounter with the Holy Spirit kindled a hunger for God, a passion for the lost & an anointing that changes lives. The ministry stirs revival and demonstrates the power of the Holy Spirit. He is interested in developing relationships with local pastors & churches, to see them grow & prosper & fulfill their God-given Kingdom purpose. (Ephesians 4:11-16 / 1 Corinthians 2:1-5)
World Revival Ministries